Virginia Heffernan wrote about (video-based) web serials for the New York Times recently; she follows up on her blog with a list of recommended serials to try. She’s not been impressed by web serials after lonelygirl15, but continues to be eager to follow the form: “I just suspect that Web video is better ó so far ó for painterly productions than for narrative ones. So far.”
If I could watch these on my iPod Touch (while nursing) I’d probably watch ’em all. Unfortunately the iPod doesn’t have speakers, so I’d need those finnickly little headphone things which are a total pain, especially while nursing. I suppose it’s bizarre that I never listen to music on my iPod any more – but you don’t want to wear headphones when you’re with a baby. At least, I don’t. So for me, the iPod is now purely a reading machine.
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Tor Erik
I you are worried about not hearing her, get an open headset, not plugs. Even with the beautiful ipod screen there is still better audio content than video.
Koss has a popular pair available anywhere, but these are probably the worlds best kept audio secret:
$99 including shipping is a steal.
David Brake
You might have a look for inexpensive portable battery powered (or even self-powered) speakers that plug into the headphone jack of your iPod touch. There are lots of expensive ipod-only products that include iPod docking but they aren’t really necessary.