I hadn’t realised that William Mitchell was Australian until I started watching this video of a talk he gave about his recent book, Me + +, archived in an impressive collection of talks given at MIT. There’s also a talk by Maurice Sendak, who still has me spellbound by Where the Wild Things Are, there’s a reading by Seamus Heaney, a talk by Noam Chomsky about the New War Against Terror, along with a lot of other talks on 9-11, war and terrorism, and about 150 other videoed talks all beautifully collected at MIT World. You can download the videos and watch them later, too, if you want. I like that.

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2 thoughts on “videos

  1. Rebecca Taberner

    Do you have any videos of readings by Seamus Heaney on the poem ‘Digging’? We are using this poem for a class discussion and so would find it very useful. Thanks.

  2. Jill

    Sorry Rebecca, I don’t have a Seamus Heaney collection at all, so you’ll have to look elsewhere.

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