Game Dump, an art game exhibition opens at Landmark here in Bergen tomorrow at 8 pm. One of the games is a “provocative dramatisation” of the theft of Munch’s Scream last year. Oh my, I think they’re showing Escape from Woomera, too, which I have to play.

Luckily they’ll stay open till 2 am, because at 8 pm I’ll be at Audiatur, where there’ll be poetry readings including digital poetry by Christian Yde Frostholm. If it’s not raining, I may also be playing hooky from Aesthetics of Play from 1 pm to attend the opening of the digital and concrete poetry exhibition at Hordaland Kunstnersentrum. And with all this, I have to retain enough energy to be back at the university by 9 am Saturday for the World of Warcraft panel. I might have to refrain from playing WoW this evening and go to bed early…

I sammenheng med utstillingen Game Dump som Âpner p Bergen Kunsthall, Landmark (gamle Amorini v/ Lille LundgÂrdsvann) fredag vil jeg gjerne innvitere dere til vernisage fredag 14. oktober kl. 20:00. Det festelige laget vil vare utover kvelden til Landmark senger i 02:00 tiden.

Et av spillene, og for¯vrig utstillingens hovedverk, er utviklet av ad-hoc gruppen ‘Overdog Games’. Spillet heter ‘Silence Variations’ og er en provokativ innstallasjon som dramatiserer ranet p Munch museet i fjor h¯st.

‘Overdog Games’ er:
Jon Skivenes (Oktan Publicis) – Game Design
Petter Sundnes (Oddfjell drilling) – Lead gfx and animation
Daniel Patel (CMR) – Programming consultant
Fredrik Sundt Breien (NITH) – Lead Programming

Det blir ogs mulighet for  se en rekke andre kunstverk basert p spillteknologi.

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