5 thoughts on “uh oh

  1. Norman

    Begin planning now, for revenge when you’re a grandparent, perhaps?

  2. Ununique

    Parental censorship in a digital world
    A terribly interesting blog post from mamamusing entitled safety vs censorship. It explains and discusses the problems having a child who is pretty tech savvy. The person who is writing is quite tech savvy herself ñ but as someone points out in the com…

  3. Ununique

    Parental censorship in a digital world
    A terribly interesting blog post from mamamusing entitled safety vs censorship. It explains and discusses the problems having a child who is pretty tech savvy. The person who is writing is quite tech savvy herself ñ but as someone points out in the com…

  4. brokenclay.org/journal

    Odds and Ends
    Via CavLec, Why Content Management Fails Via The 19th Floor, Thirteen Ways to Raise a Nonreader Via jill/txt, Safety vs Censorship…

  5. […] Via jill/txt, Safety vs Censorship […]

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