Thanks to everyone who came to the triple book talk of three recent books on machine vision by James Dobson, Jussi Parikka and me, and thanks for excellent questions. Several people have emailed to asked if we recorded it, and yes we did! Here you go!

James and Jussi’s books are available from University of Minnesota Press and my book is available from Polity. Jussi and my books are open access as well – you can download them from the publishers’ websites.

Jussi also mentioned other books on the topic, including two that also came out in 2023 that I look forwards to reading:

I also recommend three 2023 special issues of journals on machine vision (one edited by our project team):

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1 Comment

  1. Teknik Energi

    I agree with most of the points made, but what about other perspectives? Are they relevant as well?
    Greeting : Teknik Energi

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