What I have to do now:

  • Write a press release.
  • University photographer: make appointment, go.
  • Write a summary in English for Dissertation Abstracts International.
  • Get an ISBN number (ISBN: 82-497-0183-6).
  • Make sure the dissertation is registered in BIBSYS.
  • Have 40 copies made and delivered to the library (ring printers, send PDF, decide how many extra copies, check first copy, have the rest delivered).
  • Decide who to invite to the dinner. Some people are mandatory, some tactically wise to invite, many I just want to be there.
  • See how much work my friends and mum are really willing to do for the party.
  • Make and send invitations.
  • Think about what kind of food to serve.
  • Ring chef.
  • Buy drinks.
  • Hand in library books, pay fines so account is unfrozen.
  • Order copy of Searles from library, pick it up.
  • Read.
  • Read dissertation.
  • Think out answers to each of Points of Criticism.
  • See if groovy green-striped suit still fits. If not, find something else to wear for defence. (It fits!)
  • Prepare twenty minute presentation of dissertation for start of defence.
  • Figure out who cleans up after the dinner (included in rent, I think).
  • Write trial lecture – topic given to me on November 10.

That’s all I can think of for now. Seems like enough, don’t you think?

Oh, there are all the other things too of course. Parent, teach, three bits of writing to finish up before November.

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6 thoughts on “To do list for defence

  1. Jason

    40 copies?? Holy cow!

    UMD just moved to electronic dissertations. PDF format only.

    Before that, I think you only had to make 3 *final* copies (not counting the untold number of drafts, of course).

    Good luck with it all (including the photocopy costs)!

  2. Jill

    Oh, the faculty pays for the copies. I just have to organise them! And electronic, yeah, sure, that makes sense. Still, it’s kind of cool that I get an ISBN all to myself 🙂

  3. weez

    Self indulgent spa day – hair and nails. (Read whil hair then nails dry).

    If green groove outfit doesn’t fit – buy new groovy outfit.

    I think you pretty much have everything else covered.

  4. Jill

    Oh yes! I forgot those!


  5. Francois Lachance

    Test rereading of Searle with blogger set as nails dry (use voice recog software)? 🙂

  6. Norman

    If you have time on your hands, and you’re interested in coming to Australia for the Rugby World Cup, there are still a few seats available, Jill, but you’ll need to decide soon.

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