We’re at the Electronic Literature Organization‘s symposium The Future of Electronic Literature, which is being held at MITH (Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities) at the University of Maryland. Right now I’m listening to the panel on process-intensive literature, and you can see them above: Rob Kendall, Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Dene Grigar, Stephanie Strickland, Scott Rettberg, and Nick Montfort (except he for some reason isn’t in the photo), with moderator Susan Schreibman standing at the podium introducing them. Notably, half of the Grand Text Auto bloggers are on this panel.
I’m participating in a panel on international electronic literature this afternoon, with some very interesting and dynamic people who have been emailing and setting up a wiki for the panel in the past week – while I’ve been travelling and practically networkless. I was able to add a few Nordic works to the wiki page, which is already a formidable resource on international (read: non- Anglo-American) electronic literature.
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William Patrick Wend » The Future Of Electronic Literature
[…] I will have my notes up soon. Jill Walker already has a few posts up about the symposium. […]