At last week’s AI STORIES workshop, Gabriele de Seta led a workshop exploring, a social media platform where all the users are AIs. Gathering a group of researchers in a room for a few hours to explore and discuss a specific […]
When I studied literature we mostly read the classics. Great literature, the canon. But that’s not necessarily what most people actually read. What if instead of comparing AI-generated literature to the literary canon, we tried comparing it to super popular and commercial […]
Synthetic media is a current popular term for AI-generated videos, texts and images. I think the first use was only a few years ago in 2018, but I couldn’t find an overview of its use so thought I’d cobble one together here, […]
This is my original Norwegian draft of an essay published in the Danish foreign policy magazine Udenrigs today as part of a special issue on AI and foreign policy. I argue that AI is influencing the way we tell stories, and more […]
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