times-square.jpgI didn’t know where the Port Authority Bus Terminal was and walked out pulling my suitcase behind me (“sorry, love, we’re not allowed to offer baggage storage after September 11”) to see to my surprise that I was on Broadway. Turn a corner and there are screens everywhere. Times Square. I eat in the most touristy restaurant I can find (waiters leap tables and crack jokes) watching the video looping outside the army recruitment station. That night, I’ll dream about the ghost of the soldier who rescues the muscled young man from the mud. Join the army, become a heroic ghost.

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2 thoughts on “screens

  1. fivecats

    I was in the same area with my wife and our daughter in January. Images are posted at my blog: http://www.livejournal.com/users/fivecats (See if you can find the green “thing” I have two pictures of at http://www.livejournal.com/users/fivecats/50545.html)

    We were in NYC for 4 days and while we had fun, I had my fill of the city for a while. It’s all just too too much. (This coming from someone who was born and bred in Washington, DC)

    We were in Times Square around midnight for two of the nights. I know its supposed to be The City That Never Sleeps, but, you know, there’s something to be said for sleep.

    (And check out The Strand Bookstore down in the Village!)

  2. Anonymous

    Touristy restaurants?! Yipes! Get thee to Paradou, 8 Little West 12th.

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