5 thoughts on “schedule everything

  1. Linn

    I’ve tried this so many times! And maybe it’s just me, but I can’t seem to tell my brain to do this stuff. I can organise my time and think ok…I’ll focus on ‘what are games’ for about 2 hours (before I go mad), then I’ll read some more for 2 hours, break, then I’ll write some more on what makes TSO a game. Now…I may be a completely lost idiot…but I can’t get my brain to function that way. It may take me a whole hour just to get into writing about my research on what a game is and then when I’m on a role…I can’t stop just because I’ve scheduled it. But then again…I only have one project to think of…so I suppose my problems are minimal compared to yours Jill…LOL!

  2. Jill

    I think it’s different when you’re working on a single project and you have a whole day. I’m not sure what the bexst way of organising your day for that is – a friend of mine writes every morning and reads in the afternoon, becaue she finds reading less demanding than writing. Another friend claims to do the opposite.

    Right now what I find really hard is trying to juggle about twenty different projects and give them all enoiugh attention to keep them moving. Clearly the grass is always greener – I remember having just one big project was really hard too. but right now the hardest thing is switching constantly.

    And I don’t know, one big project really is hard. I don’t think there’s one solution…

  3. Stephanie

    I have recently had to get my life/schedule in order as well because I keep double booking things (I tend to be over optimistic with time!!) It helps to read these posts where I see that I am not the only one and there were some GREAT links to follow as well! Thanks!!

  4. jane

    What a brilliant idea!! Any softwaretip??

  5. Jill

    This is done in iCal, but I assume it’d work in any calendar software – there are some technical discussions at the other end of that link 🙂

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