Three people have complained that my comments RSS isn’t working. I don’t use RSS readers enough to even quite know what you do with a comments RSS, but obviously it’d be nice if I could make it work. However, I’ve done all I can think of (i.e. upload a fresh version of the WordPress default template for it) and it still doesn’t work. Perhaps some of the people who want it would like to help fix it? Vika’s link to the validation thing for RSS looks good except I still don’t quite know what’s going on. Other than it’s not valid. Look, here’s a textified copy of the php file that’s not producing a decent RSS feed.

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5 thoughts on “rss comments feeds

  1. Matt

    By way of closing the loop in the test, here is a non-comment. If RSS comment feeds work as I think they ought to, it should fire a switch in my RSS server (bloglines), modifying its on-screen appearance at my end and exciting an arbitrary number of neurons between my ears.

  2. Matt

    This is another bit of noise, which, in the test lab, is a perfectly good signal. Cheers!

  3. Matt

    My Bloglines subscription to the comments on this thread has been silent all morning – even after I injected some noise – so safe to say it ain’t working. What happens if I click on the link – should see the XML, right? dumped Here. Hmm, some error. That’s the limit of my expertise though. Someone else have a go …

  4. Matt

    I retract comment 3 (unless something’s been fixed). I finally saw my above remarks appear in bloglines. I guess its crawler takes a good while to go round everywhere.

  5. Lilia

    once you are working on RSS anyway – is there a chance to get full-text RSS?

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