4 thoughts on “round

  1. ghani

    Hi Jill,

    I thought these two links might help you in your redesign (great new design, btw!)

    (CSS templates)

    http://www.blogdsgn.com/ (a blog about designing blogs.)

    found them both at http://www.angiemckaig.com/

  2. Jill

    Oh oh, thank you! I’ve obviously got some hours sweating at CSS ahead of me 🙂

  3. Elin

    Hi Jill! Did you notice that he is charging 20 Euros? Or did he add the price after he noticed the stream of links from your site..

  4. Jill

    No, the 20 Euros is only if you want to download the image files and the instructions as a zip file. I don’t get why anyone would pay that much for what would take two minutes to download by hand. Unless I’ve misunderstood or something.

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