I’ve been posting research stories on Snapchat most weekdays this month, and I’m really enjoying it. I know it doesn’t fit with the ephemerality of Snapchat, but I’ve been saving the stories and posting them on YouTube in a special playlist so I can reuse them later, and so you can have a look if you want.

If you’re interested in how researchers could use Snapchat, you might also want to take a look at the interview that Corinne Ruff at the Chronicle of Higher Education did with me about my Snapchat research stories. Or take a look at other scholars on snapchat. Here are some I’ve found so far:

Sunniva Rose (sunnivarose) is a Norwegian nuclear physicist who also blogs and is very prominent in Norwegian social media. Last night’s story about looking after the cyclotron was wonderful, except now I have all sorts of questions about what cyclotrons do that I didn’t even know I was interested in. Which I think is awesome.

Crystal Abidin (wishcrys) is a Singaporean/Australian anthropologist who does really interesting research on social media influencers and more. Her Snapchat story today summarises a paper on influencers and then explains how her own research shows something rather different. Oh, and Crystal has an active blog as well.
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Stine Liv Johansen (stinelj) is a Danish media scholar who has been posting snaps throughout the day, giving a bit more of a slice of life-style story that may be more Snapchat-native than my attempts at cohesive stories. I’ve enjoyed seeing snaps of preparing teaching, or heading to a meeting, or comments on a conference presentation. Also that conference she went to on play last week looked pretty awesome.

I just started following Ai Zhang (aiaddysonzhang) today after I saw her tweet:

Ai Zhang is a professor of PR at Stockton University, and yesterday was her last day of class. Her students sure express their gratitude beautifully!
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Emil Lou (cancerassassin1) is a cancer researcher at the University of Minnesota who has been Snapchatting about his research for a while – he tweeted me after seeing the article, and I’m thrilled to have found him. Today he was on Snapchat talking about the interview with me in the Chronicle 🙂

cancerassassin1 on snapchat Screenshot of an image from cancerassassin1 on Snapchat

Supermarie is a student, not a scholar, and also a professional Snapchatter (she is the snapchatter for a Norwegian insurance company, Gjensidige, and does an amazing job at it!) but I have to say I’ve loved the occasional glimpses into her studies. Like the other day, when she was unhappy about the lecturer’s continual abuse of the words “in relation to”.

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I’ve seen a few other scholars on Snapchat, but they don’t have stories up today so they’re not appearing in my feed. I’ll just have to add them to my list later. If you know of other Snapchatting scholars I should mention, let me know!!

And here are my Snapchat stories so far, gathered in a single YouTube playlist 🙂

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1 Comment

  1. SunnivaRose

    I’ll do more snapchatting about the cyclotron the next time I’m on shift 🙂 Unfortunately I got a migraine, and therefore had to stop earlier than I was planning this time.

    Thanks so much for these nice words, Jill!

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