Letizia Jaccheri is researcher at the computer science department at NTNU in Trondheim who’s interested in digital art. She recently started a weblog with links to books, sites and ideas that interest her – lots of good links there.
I also recently discovered Odd-Wiking Rahlff, a researcher at SINTEF, also in Trondheim, who’s doing work on using mobile phones to tag physical places, like Yellow Arrow etc, though no doubt with many differences. I “met” Odd-Wiking at Underskog.no, a new (as in still in beta and not quite open yet but very promising) Norwegian social software site for finding out what’s happening in the towns of Norway.
Nice to find more and more interesting people around the place 🙂
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I just saw on the news that a GPS/cell phone system for disabled people are being tested now. The can download street maps to their cell phones showing accessibility or lack of accessibility. In addition they can add information themselves to the database. The technology was developed at H¯yskolen i ÿstfold.