shows improvement!Today I need to finish my article on electronic art in public spaces. I’m procrastinating like mad, so this post is going to be my personal motivator, like I did when I was trying to finish my PhD before last Christmas. The article’s only supposed to be 2000 words long, and it’s an introduction to a booklet presenting twenty electronic artworks in public spaces in Norway, from imported international classics to sound installations to art on state websites. I need to:

  • Write brief descriptions of other, non-Norwegian works (e.g. Lozano-Hemmer).
  • Paragraph introducing electronic art in general.
  • Public art, electronic public art.
  • Paragraph on interactivity, follow me, stamping
  • Paragraph discussing potential for publically funded art in public digital spaces (like Tegnemaskin 1-12).
  • Go to the hospital and experience Adsonore.
  • Check dogeared pages in Digital Art for more examples.
  • Discuss relationships between works presented. Sound, concept, object.
  • Go for a run. Bonus: thought about article!
  • Non-related but necessary: Attend meeting, pick up my daughter from school, shopping, dinner, buy sweets in case kids come for Halloween (not a tradition here but they must have been watching television or something because it’s starting), daughter’s friend staying the night, kids in bed, lights out. Then work more.
  • Work out how it all fits together. Sequence.
  • Write introductory paragraph.
  • Proofread.

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