“You were pretty good at keeping us informed through the course weblog and Studentportalen, and when you forgot, we just went to your blog and read what we were going to be doing there.”

“Yeah, that was like an out-of-body experience – reading about our own classes only through this completely different lens.”

“So did it bother you?” I asked, hoping I hadn’t inadvertently posted something that should have stayed within the classroom walls.

“No, it was great!” another student said. I can’t actually remember who said what, their voices all different but merging in the discussion. “It was really interesting seeing how you experienced the teaching.”

“But why did you never post the photos you took of us with the hats?”

“Yes!” Obviously my wariness about posting photos of my students was exaggerated. There’s laughter, and someone else grins, “I bet the whole world wants to know what we look like!”

“So everyone’s OK with me posting the photos of you on the web?”



There you go. I’ll write up a summary of the other evaluations tomorrow – I want them coherent for myself, and so the students can object if I’ve misunderstood them. And who knows, it might be useful for other teachers, too.

The hats, though, are defintely going to be a repeat act. Just about everyone was quite clear about that. I’ll explain them tomorrow. Maybe with more photos.

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  1. real icon

    So what about the hats?

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