The large green words were projected next to a screen of rapidly changing lines, accompagnied by computer beeps, and the words appeared to be the human-readable translation of the code the screen and speakers were displaying. The text was about encryption, but I found I was more interested in the effect of projecting green pixellated letters each as large as my head on a matte black-painted surface, with unevennesses here and there where the nails were driven in. I didn’t see the name of the artist, but it was shown at Pr??verommet BETA last night.
I took pictures of Trond Lossius‘s, Jeremy Welsh’s and Jon Arne Mostad’s installation too, the one originally set up in Kristiansand, but they my photos give no real impression of it. I should have used video to capture the soundscape and the rapidly moving images projected through a room and onto a huge striped canvas. Trond explained how Jeremy had developed interpretations and digitalisations and modulations of the images in John Are’s paintings, and how Trond had then opened Jeremy’s video files in a sound editor, preserving some of the rhythms from the stripes and honing them to create the sounds he wanted. Rereading Trond’s blog posts about working with the sound gives me yet new perspectives to the work.
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It is a shame that living and been in town last night I could not go to the exhibition/performance. I know very few of the artists but the whole concept is very appealing to me.
I hope it does not take too long before I can see Trond’s or Jeremy’s works exhibited again.
Ah, well, proximity isn’t always enough…
hi Jill, the picture is from my installation at Pr¯verommet, called ‘Radio Tempest’. It is actually a radio station – transmitting radio waves through the computer monitor. The sounds came from an FM radio tuned to the frequency of the monitor, and again generated from the text, which is tons of information about Tempest – the underlying technology mostly used for surveillance of computers by radiation. 🙂
btw – I’m very interested in good quality pictures of the installation. If you have some more, I would be very happy if u could mail them to me.
Fascinating, Gisle – I’m going to try and tune my radios to the frequency of my computers right away. Hadn’t occurred to me. Thanks for explaining the installation!
(And I’ve emailed you the photo in full size)