Two PhD fellowships (stipendiatstillinger) in participatory media have just been advertised at the University of Oslo. One’s in MMOGs (or more specifically multi-user games with a strong degree of visual realism), the other is about new political arenas such as blogs. Here’s the full text of the advertisement. You need an MA or equivalent and a good idea to apply.

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3 thoughts on “PhD fellowships in Oslo

  1. Linn

    Wooo hooo!!!!! Look at me doing the ultra ecstatic happy dance!!!! Excellent, excellent, absolutely marvelous!!!

  2. Luca

    those PhD fellowships sounds really interesting. The full text advertisement seems to me available only in Norwegian, is it possible to apply also for foreigners?

  3. Jill

    Luca, I think non-Norwegians can apply. Try emailing one of the contact people in the ad (there are email addresses at the top of the advertisement, any of them will do) and I’m they’ll answer your questions.

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