A new EU program on mobile and pervasive gaming is going to be led by Swedish Annika Waern, and fully half the 92m SEK (more than Ä10m) is going to Swedish researchers. Good on those Swedes! Here’s a Swedish article about it, and an abbreviated English one.

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2 thoughts on “pervasive Swedes

  1. Norman

    I guess I’d best give up, Jill? Face to face gaming can’t hope to compete with this.

  2. Patrik's Sprawl

    Jill reports about this big EU program on mobile and pervasive gaming (about Ä10 million) run by Annika Waern at SICS. Article in English (itsweden.com) here. Here is a PowerPoint presentation on Trends in Pervasive Gaming (Annika Waern). Trans-reality…

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