An article I wrote a few months ago called “Weblogs: Learning in Public” is out now in On the Horizon, which is a strategic planning journal for the educational sector. It’s in a special issue edited by Drew Davidson, with lots of other papers about videogames and new media in education – I particularly like the one by Mia Consalvo about cheating and walkthroughs as educational techniques. The electronic version is subscribers only, but your library may have the paper version. If you want a copy, email me and I’ll email you the final version. Update: I reread the copyright form and it’s less draconian than I thought, allowing me to post a copy of my version (not their edited, laid out version) on my website. So here you go (that’s a PDF, btw)!

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3 thoughts on “paper out

  1. William Wend

    Very cool, I will read this over the weekend!

  2. JosÈ Angel

    Thanks, Jill! You won’t become a rich woman, though.

  3. […] 13, 2005 Jill Walkers Weblogs Learning in Public Posted by sharonb under Education , Blogging  Jill Walker has released a paper WeblogsLearning in Public which considers the advantages and ethical issues associated with the practice of encouraging her students to use blogs. Walker argues that blogs assist students to take charge of their education and the process being public assists students to learn to write. Based on her experiences as a teacher Walker raises issues she has encountered in the classroom when students realise the implications in network of having a readership. […]

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