My Books

declining grades

Norwegian universities converted to a new grading system a couple of years ago, using letters instead of numbers, and at about the same time the standard undergraduate degree was chopped from a four year cand. mag. to a three year Bachelor degree. […]

sold more of our soul to microsoft

[Edit 18/10: I’m not sure I’ve read enough about this, to be honest – I can’t find the actual media archive online, and rereading this third party account it sounds as though it’s meant for viewing through a TV not a computer. […]

every third norwegian published something online last week

According to a survey just done for Mandag Morgen (full text subscription only) and reported in Dagbladet, every third Norwegian published something online last week. Isn’t that amazing? On the other hand, there are only 30,000 Norwegian blogs, and even that’s just […]

the game system as mother

SÈbastien Babeux’s talk was about space in video games, and has lots of fascinating examples of glitches in game space. You can read the abstract here. I don’t really want to talk about what his paper was explicitly about, I want to […]

WoW machinima

Tristan Pope’s Not Just Another Love Story is a love story made in World of Warcraft (so it’s machinima, Animated filmmaking in a realtime game environment) by a theatre student in New York. It’s about a troll and a human who fall […]

the world of warcraft panel

Saturday morning at Aesthetics of Play and the World of Warcraft panel is on. There are three presnetations about WoW and the abstracts are all here. I’m fighting a very strong desire to just play World of Warcraft. Oh dear.

the architecture of Ironforge and Orgrimmar

(At Aesthetics of Play) Mattias Ljungstrˆm – a lecturer in advanced media and game design in an interface design department in Potsdam. So design theory at the heart of his paper. Also it’s about World of Warcraft! Yay! The presentation is based […]

jonas linderoth on avatars

This presentation is interesting: he’s discussing Walkerdine’s discussion of how children say “I” about their avatar and the “complex indentification”. abstract.

Character data sets and parameterized morality

Rob Fitzpatrick from Georgia Tech’s Game Lab is presenting on characters and morality. Three dimensions of dramatic dimension – games (in contrast) heavily oriented towards action. Psychological and social data is mostly absent. However morality is becoming more important/popular. In single player […]