My Books

Electronic Literature Conference 2008

The Electronic Literature Organization‘s symposium ELO2007 this May was a great event, with lots of enthusiastic e-literature writers, critics and readers, and a lot of promise for the future. While we were there, Dene Grigar spoke eagerly of her plans for the […]

Norske politikerblogger

[This is a list of Norwegian members of parliament who have blogs.] Jeg vil pr¯ve  samle en liste over norske politikerblogger her – da mener jeg ikke blogger som skriver en del om politikk (som f.eks. Vampus eller Dagens onde kvinner), […]

your laptop is legally an extension of your mind?

Kristine Lowe links to this Wired story about a case where US border security searched the computer of a US citizen coming from from abroad, and found illegal material on his laptop. The court found that searching the laptop was illegal and […]

how to explain social networking sites really simply

A great example of how to explain something that can be kind of elusive in very simple terms: Social networking sites in one minute forty-five seconds: Found via the Public Speaking Blog’s post on “How To Create A Technical Presentation That Makes […]

what the iphone can’t do

Jon Lech Johansen, better known as DVD-Jon (remember, the sixteen-year-old who cracked the DRM on DVDs so you can play them on your Linux computer, and he was sued by Hollywood but Norwegian courts found in his favour – you buy a […]

links for 2007-07-03

TeresaCentric ª Robert Scoble Lets Everyone Be His Facebook Friend, Why I Think He’s Silly “A new user on the network adds value for all the users because his presence makes his friends more likely to update their profiles more frequently.” (tags: […]

links for 2007-07-01 LonelyGirl15 gives Neutrogena some face time On how the web video serial LonelyGirl15 is starting to use branding as a way of making money. (tags: monetize advertising lonelygirl15) The world map of social networks – Valleywag [Data Junkie] Wonderful map showing […]

links for 2007-06-17

How fatherhood affects the body and brain. – By Emily Anthes – Slate Magazine There hasn’t been much research on how fatherhood affects men physically: this article mentions a few of the hormonal and other changes that actually happen to a man […]

links for 2007-06-13

Keep Yourself Organized with a Blog Binder Slightly strange insight into how a person who makes a living off blogging lives, works and keeps it all organised. (tags: blogs commercial) HassleMe “Not eating enough fruit? Forgot to feed the fish again? Need […]

links for 2007-06-10

1 Utvalgets forslag – Forslag til ny formÂlsparagraf for norske barnehager og grunnskoler – funnet via, og ja, jeg er enig med Heikki, dette ser MYE bedre ut enn den kristne formÂlsparagrafen! (tags: formÂlsparagraf skole norsk barnehage politikk) How to […]