My Books

the World of Warcraft Reader makes a very nice cat bed

In between feeding Jessica, cuddling Jessica, changing Jessica’s many nappies, trying to give my eleven-year-old a bit of much-needed big sister attention and (not least) trying to catch up on sleep, I’ve been eagerly following the fate of the World of Warcraft […]

Call for Papers and Works: Seminar on Electronic Literature in Europe

Call for Papers and Works: Seminar on Electronic Literature in Europe September 11-13th, 2008 at the University of Bergen in Bergen, Norway. The Fall 2008 Bergen Seminar on Electronic Literature in Europe will build upon the work of the e-poetry seminar held […]

World of Warcraft anthology is out now!

Right after Jessica was born, our anthology of scholarly essays on World of Warcraft was finally published! Here’s a pile of them, don’t they look great? Buy your own copy today! Or borrow one from a library 🙂 If you want a […]

how to get a passport photo of a baby

Even infants need passports these days – and you have to get a passport photo by the same rules as for adults: front of the face, eyes open, looking at the camera, no parental hands holding her up, white background, mouth closed… […]

Jessica Ann Rettberg

Jessica Ann Rettberg was born two days ago, on Saturday April 19, at 11:45 am. She weighs 3655 grams and is 50 cm long, and is absolutely beautiful. Everything went very well, really, well, you know, obviously the whole giving birth thing […]

intro to World of Warcraft Reader is online

Our World of Warcraft Reader is coming out next month, and MIT Press has updated the webpage for the book with a complete table of contents and PDFs of the introduction, the contributors’ bios and the index. We’ve had a bit of […]


In Norwegian, the word hoygravid means “high-pregnant”, or extremely pregnant. I only recently discovered that there’s an official definition of the word: when you have 40 days until your due date, you’re h¯ygravid. Or at least that’s what the word is on […]

boys less likely to blog or create websites

The New York Times writes that girls are far more likely to be creating content for the web than boys: Indeed, a study published in December by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that among Web users ages 12 to […]

artist in residency – in Azeroth

Ars Virtua, an online-only artists’s collective with a gallery space in Second Life, recently advertised an artist in residency for World of Warcraft. They just announced that they’ve selected two artists: Tom Betts and Alison Mealey. There’ll be a “meet-and-greet” where we […]