My Books

weblog reviews

Ever thought of writing reviews of weblogs as a class assignment? Scott Rettberg‘s New Media Studies class (which I visited a week or two ago, lovely bunch of students) have written a collection of reviews of weblogs as their final class project, […]

dr anders!

Congratulations to Anders Fagerjord, who promises stories, pictures and poems from his PhD defence yesterday, just as soon as he’s not quite so tired anymore. Hooray! Anders’s PhD is on Rhetorical Convergence: Earlier Media Influence on Web Media Form and judging by […]


Skirt-twirling – the way a skirt will rotate around your waist to right or left as you walk – is one of those annoyances I had never thought to discuss with anyone. Grumpygirl has though. She not only did an office survey […]


She’s instantly awake: “Mummy, there’s snow!” Polite and considerate snow, nothing like the nonstop eye-stinging car-skidding snow in New England last weekend. This snow came at night, when the roads were empty. It brushed a gentle few centimetres on trees and grass, […]


Forget dance mats and joysticks, even trance vibrators: biofeedback is the cool interface on my Christmas wishlist. Slide three rings on your finger, pay $150 (or a little less) and play The Journey to Wild Divine, Steven Johnson writes in his December […]

reading about your classes

“You were pretty good at keeping us informed through the course weblog and Studentportalen, and when you forgot, we just went to your blog and read what we were going to be doing there.” “Yeah, that was like an out-of-body experience – […]


Damn. I should have gone to bed while I was still tired. But no, now that I’ve finished preparing for tomorrow (and more) I’m wide awake. Bet ya I won’t be tomorrow.


You can fly Icelandair from Boston to Oslo. You save an hour compared to going via Copenhagen, but I’m not convinced it’s worth it: the forty minutes at Keplavik, the Rekjavik airport, are at the worst possible time of the flight. You’ve […]

how long

Imagine a story that grows as you read it: Itís an awful idea. Imagine reading a story that may be a thousand words or a thousand pages long, you have no way of knowing which. It would be maddening. And yet thatís […]

80% of grandtextauto

I realised this evening, after Andrew had asked “so how’s Scott?” and “when’s Noah going to California?” and “did you get to see Nick?” that I’ve met 80% of Grandtextauto in the past week. I’m pretty happy with that. They’re all interesting, […]