My Books


When explaining blogging to the interested but ignorant, I always give them a skewed picture. Once I showed them research blogs and got questions about why nobody used this medium for personal expression. Another time I showed them personal weblogs and was […]

lost doll

Aw…. A little girl lost her doll a week or two ago at Disney on Ice in Oslo, and her parents set up a website and started an email chain to help find it – I haven’t seen the doll, but perhaps […]


Eirik Newth writes about, a Norwegian service that makes it really easy to set up a blog and you can easily post to your blog by sending an SMS or MMS.


She lay on her bed, curled up, dressed but resisting the day’s duties. She felt her chest rise and fall steadily and heard herself breathe not breath but words: I want to scream. Why not scream then, she wondered. She waited. Opened […]

jokkmokk moblog

A team from HUMlab in Sweden are on their way to Jokkmokk (yes, there really is such a place) way up North to moblog the 399th (!) annual market up there. It’s in Sami country, and the fearless mobloggers with their myriad […]

how to analyse

This morning, Anders Fagerjord gave my webdesign and web aesthetics students a wonderful introduction to analysing a web site. He cleverly started by asking whether any of the students had taken other classes at the university where they analysed things. Out of […]

gift literature

I relish the stickers I received in the mail last weekend. A gift: three pages of stickers, each with a narrative fragment printed on it, the first installation of Scott and Nick’s sticker novel Implementation. I’ve already stuck some of these gifts […]

peripheral, present

Working on an interview Scott and I did with Noah and Coover and Josh Carroll last December I listen to the recording as Noah talks about peripheral reading and I, intrigued, ask more, and then tell him about a seed I once […]

territories and XML

FOAF stands for Friend Of A Friend, and it’s a decentralised way of tracking social networks. The idea is that I would add some tags to my blog or website saying “I count these people among my friends” and list my friends. […]

spring, soon…

The snow pulls slowly back, edges receding, revealing sudden clusters of snowdrops behind cast iron fencing. Soon, now.