My Books

cheap interaction

Trond’s musing while making sound installations: “Why should sound still have a human presence and expressiveness when there’s no one performing it anymore? (..) Is interaction nothing but a cheap workaround for this problem, leaving responsibility of presence to the audience?”


Oh no. “How’s my dwarf hamster?” my daughter asks, on the phone from her grandparents’ moutain cabin. Oh, fine, I say, walking into her bedroom to check. I stop. “Uh… The cage door’s open. And, uh, the cage is empty.” She doesn’t […]


When we stepped outside everything was white and cold, except for my fingers. When I took off my mittens to adjust her sunglasses my fingers turned lobster red, the red of flesh at a temperature that is all wrong. She cried that […]


My Boyfriend is a Twat is acerbic as I suspect only Brits can be, hilarious in a frightening way, and also equipped with a annotated blogroll of other blogs that don’t mince words. Hell, they don’t even dice them.

required narrativity

Diane‘s analysis of diet blogs (Feb 25) says a lot about blogs and narrative in general. Perhaps blogs require a narrative of change: “Once you’re no longer fitting into the category of “on a diet,” which has a built-in narrative structure, it […]

read in fits and starts

Hanna cites some descriptions of the commonplace books many readers used to keep, and some still keep. One of the descriptions proposes a completely different way of reading — a way of reading similar to today’s netsurfer-writer: Unlike modern readers, who follow […]

scholarship that uses the medium

I’ve no time to read this now but it looks interesting: The Differences Slavery Made: A Close Analysis of Two American Communities. It’s a historical article, but not written in the conventional sequential way. It presents a summary, data, statements and ways […]


This is my grandmother, Lorna, on a Christmas day in Perth in the eighties. She came to visit us in Norway when I was little and did yoga and when we visited her she had a cat and a dog and lived […]

orkut: the game

Some people are really into this Orkut thing. They create zillions of communities, stage fights, complain about the administration (in-Orkut discussion here) and blog their deletion from the system. They even propose an Orkut game, which could, in fact, be kind of […]

makeover blogs

There are makeover blogs, too, of course. Not merely The Date Project, but Tales of a Bathroom Scale or Searching for Mister Close to Right or Manhunting, possibly not recently updated because a man was found?