My Books


Though round-edged boxes and columns that go all the way down do require disappointingly complicated CSS (using little images makes it feel like cheating) I’ve actually managed to build most of my new design much faster than I’d expected. There are some […]

column all the way down

How to make the background colour in a CSSed column stretch all the way down: use an image. Sigh. I thought the point of CSS was not having to use hacks and single-pixel gifs and all that nonsense. Though perhaps this is […]


I live in a housing corporation, a borettslag, with about a hundred households and a board and a caretaker and concerned neighbours who once I got past thinking them busybodies turn out to be caring, helpful and supportive. The general assembly’s next […]


How to make round cornered boxes in CSS, based on this sliding doors principle.

silent websites

I can’t think of an official, government or state website that allows its visitors to talk among themselves, or even to see that there are other visitors present. I’m finishing a short essay on Tegnemaskin 1-12 and I’m thinking of how quiet […]

blog on women and games

Vesterblog is Tore Vesterby’s “thoughts on his Master’s Degree thesis project at the IT-University of Copenhagen. He will try to focus on what, how and which women play digital games.”

might actually redesign…

I, uh, ended up photoshopping away at that mockup last night instead of grading papers or finishing the essay that’s due today. I think I quite like it. I especially like the very formal “Dr Jill Walker, Dept of Humanistic Informatics” etc […]


There’s a CFP out for the Fibreculture journal on Contagion and the Diseases of Information. I’m interested in that.


My students are submitting their redesigned blogs for assessment this Friday. Here’s the PDF of their assignment, with grade descriptions. Were I assessing my own blog design, I’d give it a C: “Mostly works, but the code could have been planned and […]

colour tutorial

I don’t know how to teach colours. I mean, I know: complementary colours, contrasts, colour circles, additative, subtractive, but it just seems either so obvious or so abstract to me. Thank goodness I found a wonderful tutorial for colours which is perfect […]