My Books

never keep a drink bottle in your laptop bag

What happened? Well, let me simply say this: never put your drink bottle in the same bag as your laptop. My laptop was only a little damp when we arrived at Liz’s, and I know the leaking could only have occurred during […]

fairy tale time

I found the SurLaLune fairy tale pages when I ran out of bedtime stories for my daughter, and I’m staying for the density of the connections woven there: illustrations from half a dozen editions of each story, books and films inspired by […]

skip registration

You know how online newspapers claim they want to give you their content free but actually mean they’ll only let you read it if you give them details about your name, address, household income, profession and which articles you read when? Try […]

traces elsewhere

Make friends with bloggers and sometimes their stories also tell a facet of you: I’ve played and met Weez and spoken on a panel and eaten delicious salads and done many other things that neither I nor anyone else is likely to […]

things i’d blog

Some of the links I found I wanted to blog once I could blog again: Ryan Schultz writes about and quotes the exact bit in the Wired article I read at the beach about how creepy guys can find your email address […]


Astonishing! Hanna and Nick not only made stunning salads, Hanna fixed my blog! I can blog again! Life is beautiful again! Actually I was playing cool. Yeah, you know, sure, it’s good not to blog for a while. Bit of a break, […]

student work!

A selection of rather wonderful student projects, with lots of creativity and skill and obvious enjoyment: Sykkelturen 2004: Documenting and promoting three lads cycling from the North Cape to Sicily. A presentation of the opera. Project Mayhem: A fiction piece (thank […]

blog fiction 2

‘nother article about blog fiction. Via Lisbeth. No blogging till tasks completed. Link only. Be good. Work hard.

to do before leaving

finalise curriculum for autumn’s course on networked culture send compendium for autumn’s course to Studia for copying finish grading discuss grades with external examiner fill out grade forms pack edit paragraphs for funding app. mow lawn do dishes empty rubbish bin and […]

my upstairs neighbour

“I’m so glad to have you around,” she says, just as I start to tell her I’m leaving again. “You spend more time away than at home,” she says accusingly, but still brings in my mail, lovingly sorting it into neat piles […]