My Books

startup sound composers

I hadn’t realised Brian Eno wrote the Windows startup sound. Wow. 43 folders has a link to an interview with him: The thing from the agency said, ìWe want a piece of music that is inspiring, universal, blah- blah, da-da-da, optimistic, futuristic, […]

amazon reviews worth a chuckle

There must be a website somewhere with links to funny or parodic reviews at Amazon. Me, I followed the trail from the review of packing tape that Profgrrrrl mentioned to the complete works of porcupinebath, where I found multiple reviews of deodorant […]

petrol prices

Gas has never been more expensive in the US, at $2.30 or so a gallon (3,88 kroner a litre), and my impression was that it’s the sort of political issue presidents are elected on. Of course, here in Norway, petrol is US$6.15 […]

me and jamie kane

Of course I’ll be following BBCi’s new email and website drama about recently deceased popstar Jamie Kane. I wasn’t going to actually spend time on it just yet, but then I got this really personal email from Jess, who runs the fan […]

administration again

Back at the office and my to-do list is full of administrative tasks and preparation for a new semester instead of writing. I got an extension on the DAC paper though, cos I needed some library books to finish it. Tomorrow. More. […]

word meter

OK. Today I totally need to get cracking on the paper I’m writing to submit to DAC. The deadline’s Monday and while I have the structure and ideas pretty clear, there’s a lot of writing left to do. I found something that […]

I’m usually a sucker for projects that get innocent bystanders acting as a collective, so when I discovered that one of my dollar bills had an URL stamped on it, I was thrilled. I was miles from any internet connection, so I […]

paper out

An article I wrote a few months ago called “Weblogs: Learning in Public” is out now in On the Horizon, which is a strategic planning journal for the educational sector. It’s in a special issue edited by Drew Davidson, with lots of […]

sexualised violence vs showing nipples

Wow. Grand Theft Auto has actually been banned in Australia, because of the sexually explicit content that is unlocked “simply” by downloading the Hot Coffee mod and installing it. (How on earth do you install anything on your Playstation, anyway? Mine seems […]

carjacking moving from streets to Grand Theft Auto

In an entertainingly written open letter to Hillary Clinton, Steven Johnson writes that, in the last decade, the decade of videogames in every home, violent crime has dropped more than in any other period of time. Car-jacking has been getting less and […]