So I’m half-packed, I finished the weblog definition, I bought my books for the plane, I mowed the lawn and gave the lady upstairs the spare key, I just have to do the dishes, vacuum the floors and put all the clothes on the floor into the suitcase. Oh, and book at taxi and get some sleep. This time tomorrow I’ll be asleep (I hope) at a renovated monastery in Provence, immersed in French, sipping martinis and wine and sampling gourmet food, all included in the price. Well, I suppose I won’t be sleeping and sipping at the same time, but you get the picture. The photos in the PDF brochure are best, but the website‘s not bad. I’ll give you a review when I get home. After Provence and learning more French we’re off to the coast to meet heaps of family. It will be marvellous.

I’ll be back around July 28th. Enjoy your July! I’m sure I will 🙂

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