Internationally, Microsoft is one of the companies with the most bloggers – though that’s probably not too surprising since they’re also one of the biggest companies, with something like 60-70,000 employees globally and growing. Robert Scoble, one of the most profilific Microsoft bloggers (though no longer at the company), writes extensively and very enthusiastically about the Microsoft blogging in the first chapter of Naked Conversations (the thesis being that mostly due to blogs, people no longer see Microsoft as the evil empire). Lilia Efimova’s case study of Microsoft blogs is another interesting documentation and discussion of this.

Last month, when I gave a talk on corporate blogs for Microsoft Norway’s online services group, they told me that they didn’t know of any Microsoft employees blogging in Norway – or rather, some have personal blogs but never identify themselves as Microsoft employees and they blog about things that have to do with Microsoft. They’re planning on starting, though.

So quite possibly, Kristine J¯rgensen’s blog Lycitea’s Adventures is the first Norwegian Microsoft blog. Kristine did her MA here in Bergen and has just finished her PhD on games in Copenhagen – and as avid readers may remember, she got a cushy job as Microsoft Norway’s x-box lifestyle specialist. (X-box lifestyle? Ah well, whatever.)

I’m also happy to see it because I’m teaching “Corporate blogging” today, and giving a talk about it to Chess on Friday, so more Norwegian examples are great!

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