Torill alerts me to our nomination for best tech blog in the European Weblog Awards! Or the Satin Pyjama awards. European Weblog Awards would look better on the CV, but, ya know, just being nominated is flattering in itself. Actually, nominations can go on CVs, too, can’t they?

I’m not sure why we’re tech weblogs. Is it my complaints about installing WordPress, do you think? Then of course, there’s the question of awards in general. I whizzed through the list, found I really only knew one or two of the weblogs in each category and so proceeded to vote for them, I’m not really convinced that such awards are really going to be particularly, well, see, surely the point of weblogs is that we don’t have to agree about which ones are best?

Still, you’ve gotta admit, it’s kind of cool

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6 thoughts on “nominated

  1. David Weman

    You’re arguably tech blogs, though your blog is harder case to argue. But what you and she do professionally count as tech in my mind.

    also, we didn’t get any nominations for taht category, and I don’t read all that many european tech blogs. somewhat surprised i came up with five good sites.

  2. Norman

    Congrats, good luck and adios, Jill. I’ve enjoyed your blog for some time now; but it has become [from the perspective of an I.T. neandertahsl like myself]a tad technical. Keep on with the technical side, but continue to keep in mind the major role of high quality, precise, and clearly understood language in all that’s worthy of being described as intelligent analysis.

  3. achilleas

    Congrats for the nomination. I wouldn’t consider your blog as a tech one though. I’ve tagged you as web research in delicious, and the same applies for Anders and Torill. Some of the comments are tech indeed but not most of the posts. Maybe what the Satin pyjamas meant is “academic”.

  4. William Wend

    Congrats! Your blog is, by far, my favorite blog on the net.

  5. Liz

    Congrats! I have to agree with William, your blog is my favourite. It has inspired me to do research, and most likely do a Master on a blogging related topic.

  6. Jill

    Thanks guys! That’s so cool, Liz, that you’ve been inspired to do what you want (I hope research makes you happy!) Achilleas, I like the idea of tech being a possible pseudonym for “academic”… hm.

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