Networking on the Network: A Guide to Professional Skills for PhD Students has some very specific and sensible-sounding advice on how to become part of a research community (conferences and blogging and, especially to begin with, the luck of having a lion who’s an excellent networker for a supervisor have been my main networking tools, I realise) and even, more usefully for me right now, on how to give advice when you’ve got your first job and students are suddenly coming to you for guidance.

The link’s from Alex Halavais, who hands out a packet of such goodies to new grad students.

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Susanna Hertrich gave a guest lecture at our department today (Ellen took notes), and I got to have a coffee with her first and get to know her a little – she teaches interactive and time-based media at the Kunsth¯gskolen and it’s just so wonderful to find that there really are quite a few people who are into the web and such in little old Bergen. We’re planning on starting up a little network for people doing research in the area – want to join us? The first meeting’ll be in a pub, not a seminar room 🙂

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4 thoughts on “networking

  1. Mari

    Ville bare gj¯re deg oppmerksom p at p min lille skjerm hjemme ser bloggen din litt rar ut. H¯yresiden av midtfeltet ditt kommer helt helt inntil recent comment-feltet (og noen steder overlapper det til og med!) Var sÂnn p danis blogg f¯r ogsÂ, men han har ordnet opp i det!

  2. Jill

    Ojsann. Takk! Hvilken browser og sÂnt bruker du? Kanskje jeg skal sp¯rre Dani hva han gjorde…

  3. mari

    Obs! Du har trackbacket til min post om blogger og ikke Ellens notater!

  4. Jill

    Jaja, sÂnn kan det gÂ… Har rettet det opp nÂ! (det var forresten en god post du skrev om blogger!)

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