Here are the slides for my bit of the panel I’m doing with Scott Rettberg and Nick Montfort on Appropriation and Collaboration in Digital Writing. Scott and Nick (who are also GrandTextAuto‘s representatives here at MiT5) will talk more about artistic/writerly collaboration and appropriation, drawing on their own literary work as well as (appropriately) that of others. I’m being kind of contrary here, and also hoping to get some discussion. Our panel’s at 5 pm, so people will be exhausted – but hopefully still around, at least, since there’s a reception right after our panel.

Thanks to alev.adil, who kindly gave me permission to use her photo Mirror Mise en Abyme.

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3 thoughts on “my talk at MiT5

  1. […] Jill posted slides of her presentation just now – such I good idea that I thought I’d steal it […]

  2. Mike

    Interesting. You’ve met Clancy Ratliff, and you’re likely aware that American college writing teachers talk a lot about concerns of appropriation and collaboration in digital writing. Clancy gave a really interesting presentation on blogs and appropriation at our annual convention this year, as did Rebecca Moore Howard, and I’ve lately been looking at how to understand acts of writerly production and appropriation in economic terms. I’d be curious and grateful to see the text of your presentation, if you feel like sharing.

  3. J. R. Carpenter

    Hi Jill. Didn’t get a chance to speak with you after your talk but did want to interject a comment about blg art. People are using blogs in unsusal ways, The Java Museum is issuing a call for submissions for a blog art project.

    Don’t know that my blog is blog art, but I do find I’m using it in different ways than most that you mentioned in your talk. It certainly has been a useful way for me to force myself to publish short pieces of writing that I might not otherwise act on, continuing the poetry chapbook tradition in a way. Lapsus Linguae:

    Mostly, I’m a web artist. Here’s the piece I presented at MiT5: jttp://

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