The latest ACM Communications has a pile of articles on blogging. So nice that there’s enough out there now that one can choose to only read the articles on one’s own particular blogging focus. More literary blogging papers, anyone?

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4 thoughts on “more blogging papers

  1. ghani

    Thanks Jill, these are perfect for my lit review!

  2. Niels

    hm, thanks but I can get pass “the gates”… No ACM-account… :{

  3. Jill

    Oh, I didn’t actually try downloading the papers – try accessing them from your local library, they may have a subscription. Or email an author and they’re more than likely to email you a copy individually. I can’t access them from where I am now, otherwise I’d email you a copy.

  4. Niels

    I appreciate your helpfulness.

    Will try to e-mail the authors.

    off topic: did you read my comment on one of your flickr-posts (

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