There’s an interesting-looking location-based narrative currrently running in Stockholm: The Case at Kulturhuset (deep links impossible, click “exhibitions” to find info), by Knife and Fork Productions, who also made the Molndal Murder. I’d love to get something like that happening in Bergen! You can “play” it or read it or whatever until this Sunday.

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2 thoughts on “mobile stories in Stockholm

  1. Alvaro

    This was a very nice reference, Jill. It would be nice to experience it. I saw the “trailer” of the show and it looked awesome.
    Many questions assault me: is this a plain work of art for a regular museum?.
    Is this a meta-film? or a kind of meta audiovisual experience?
    Are you going to host it in Bergen?
    I am just joking with the last question 🙂

  2. Alvaro

    Very nice reference, Jill. I loved the “trailer” they have as a preview in their website.
    Many questions arise: Can this be considered a meta-film?
    Is this the cinema of the future?

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