“Well-behaved women seldom make history,” Laurel Thatcher Ulrich wrote, and it’s obviously true: doing what you think people want you to do is strikingly unsatisfying. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about, I spent many years trying.

So when Liz Lawley suggested I might like to try misbehaving with a group of brilliant, eloquent and daring women, I said yes instantly. Look who I get to misbehave with: Danah Boyd, Caterina Fake, Meg Hourihan, Liz Lawley, Dorothea Salo, Halley Suitt and Gina Trapani. I know we’ll have fun.

The idea came from the comments to a post of Liz’s voicing her frustrations at topics disappearing once they’re off the main page of a blog. A group blog specifically about women and technology will, we hope, keep the topic alive in the blogosphere, rather than posts being read and forgotten and not seen together.

Now we’re live: Misbehaving.net. Come misbehave with us!

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2 thoughts on “misbehaving

  1. Norman

    It couldn’t last. Now you’ve made me despondent about being old — but it’s still cheers.

  2. join-the-dots

    women behaving badly

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