ZoomInfo collects information on people online. It worked out, correctly, that I teach at the Dept of Humanistic Informatics. It also hilariously surmises that my past work experience includes being Prime Minister of Denmark. How it figured that out? Well, from an interview where I say “I’m fascinated by Poul Nyrup Rasmussen’s blog. Nyrup Rasmussen used to be the prime minister of Denmark, and he’s still an active labor politician.”
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You know, you couldn’t possibly do a worse job than the one we have now. In fact, I’m certain you’d be a kazillion times better. He’s… atrocious.
Tore Vesterby
Dang! I’ve always dreamt of having a female PM here in Denmark. I can’t believe I missed your term, Jill 😉
I know, I wish I’d been paying attention myself 😉
The Prime Minister of Denmark, Jill! I am utterly impressed!!! I wish I had that
as my former work experience…. since I always answer that I want to be the Prime
Minister of Norway when people ask me what I want to do one day, or more precixely
where my education will take me 🙂 I get annoyed, so I answer, the prime minister
of Norway, ofcourse!
Brian Payea
I’m glad that you’re amused by our mistake. Since we’ve found 700 million pieces of people information on the Web, and have built 26 million summaries, we do occasionally get a few things wrong. They’re not always as entertaining as the one we made about you, but occasionally they are very funny. ZoomInfo’s is a 100% automated process, with no human editors, so even when we see mistake we won’t go in and manually repair it. We will learn from the mistake and rewrite the algorithm where the mistake originated, so that we learn and improve.
If you decide that you no longer want to be listed as the Prime Minister (judging by a few of the responses to your post, you might not want the title) you can actually register your summary, take ownership, and delete the incorrect information and add anything else you’d like the world to know. You will also have a handy url of your own once you do that so that you can link back to your summary, which will continue to grow as we find more information about you.
thanks for your interest.
Brian Payea
Director of Corporate Communications
Zoom Information Inc.