5 thoughts on “manhunting

  1. Elin

    One of my friends sent me this yesterday: http://www.mailorderhusbands.net/index.html

    Rather disturbing:-)

  2. Jill

    That’s just frightening, Elin! All the google ads for mailorder wives made it way more ominous than it would have been otherwise…

  3. mcb

    I love the manhunting site.
    Very amusing…

  4. lisa

    Here’s how you find a man:

    Focus your whole being on finding something else–like a job or a country or an undiscovered plant form. You will bump into a man quite accidentally and the next thing you know, you have whatever it was you were looking for–and a man.

  5. Norman

    At last, a second argument in favour of old age!I don’t have to worry about this sort of problem any more.

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