Madonna’s half-time show at the Super Bowl yesterday is a great example of the symbiotic relationship between so-called mainstream culture and amateur, remix, fan culture or whatever you want to see it. First, Luminosity made a very well-received fan video combining Madonna’s Vogue with scenes from the movie 300.

It looks like Madonna, rather than suing Luminosity, ran with the idea:

Quite amusing. And yet another example of this hardly being a one-way flow from mainstream media to the amateurs.

(Thanks to Flourish for posting this on Facebook!)

2 thoughts on “Madonna is a fan of fanvids?

  1. Undre

    Wow! But that “World Peace” thing at the end was an overkill even for Madonna. 😛

  2. […] just read this article on Jill Walker Rettberg’s blog. Basically, Rettberg is showing how a professional (Madonna) […]

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