Most people who read this blog don’t follow any of the links. MyBlogLog shows me that: on most days, less than five percent of the readers will have followed any individual link. Until yesterday, that is, when nearly 50% of the readers went and looked at that photo of me in the interview. Cads!
Ah well, I suppose I want to know what people look like, too 😉
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Matt Whyndham
you did rather whet their appetite by offering a critique of your pose. They were just checking your facts.
I read your blog through Bloglines, and sometimes follow links straight from there. Not sure that would show up in your logfile.
how funny! I wanted to see what you meant by tilting your body.
Jose Angel
None of us can help it, Jill, you see, “esse est percipi”,ñ being perceived is food to us (all bloggers I guess). And from the other side of the glass darkly, getting a photo which in a way gazes back is just irre-sis-t-i-bl-e.
Just writing about linking literacy again now! Was going to bring up your essay on links and power but since I am reflecting upon the difference between intersecting and interactive links, this post works too! What people click on and whether or not they return to the original post fascinates me. 🙂