leaf.jpg I try to take pictures of grand scenes, of mountains, cityscapes and fjords, but the images I capture contradict my eyes, foregrounding insignificant objects that I look right past. So I return to small things where the camera’s eye chooses aspects that complement rather than contradict what I see. When I took this photo the sun was shining and the raindrops were sparkling prisms. The camera chose to portray a darker, more ominous picture. Or perhaps it was the leaf, refusing to be caught.

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3 thoughts on “leaf with raindrops

  1. Stefan

    It’s actually quite funny that people who get digicams often end up taking loads of detail pics, because here they can control the motif.

    Capturing the grand view is an art which requires great skill.

  2. Jill

    And perhaps when you take photos with an analogue camera you don’t know until afterwards that the grand view was a failure… so you take more, every time you travel. The digital camera tells you straight away that you got it wrong.

  3. Digmes blogg

    Jill Walker gj??r seg noen tanker om fotografering med digitalkamera. Hun beskriver p?• en enkel m?•te at det er vaskelig ?• ta gode bilder, uansett om kameraet er digitalt eller analogt, dyrt eller billig. Jeg plukker opp tr?•den i forhold til hva dig…

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