Jessica Ann Rettberg was born two days ago, on Saturday April 19, at 11:45 am. She weighs 3655 grams and is 50 cm long, and is absolutely beautiful. Everything went very well, really, well, you know, obviously the whole giving birth thing is extraordinarily hard work (just try relaxing through a hideous contraction so the baby can finish rotating down the birth canal) – but I had great support from Scott and the midwives at our hospital and everything went really well. We’re back at home and apart from her tendency to want to sleep all day and wake all night, we’re doing wonderfully. Here she is, just ten or fifteen minutes after she was born.

Jessica, ten or fifteen minutes old

Jessica hasn’t started blogging yet, but Jason Nelson made us a beautiful birthday present for her, look at this!

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48 thoughts on “Jessica Ann Rettberg

  1. steve

    Wonderful. Congratulations to you all.

  2. Geoff Cain

    Hooray! Just gorgeous! Congratulations! and look at those fingers! What a blogger she will make! All the best to you and your new family.

  3. Trond

    Gratulerer og lykke til!

  4. Ronny-AndrÈ Bendiksen

    What a beautiful girl! Congratulations!

  5. fg

    Congratulations! She’s so cute 🙂

  6. Lesley

    She’s beautiful!

  7. CW

    Welcome to the world, beautiful Jessica! Congratulations to you and Scott.

  8. Lisa Firke

    Great news! I’m so happy for you all!

  9. Karin

    Absolutely adorable! And nothing virtual about it, all real. Warmest congratulations.

  10. Snurb

    Fantastic news. Congratulations to you all!

  11. Antonella

    Congratulations to you and your husband!
    She’s wonderful 🙂

  12. Tama


  13. Tama


  14. erasmusa

    congratulations! hope you are all doing well.

  15. Luca

    Gratz Jill&Scott!!!
    Jessica is really wonderful!

  16. MC

    She is really beautiful. Congratulations.

  17. Matthew

    Welcome Jessica Ann! Congratulations – and best wishes to all of you!

  18. Matt

    Nice one! Wonderful news!

  19. Ragnhild

    Gratulerer Jill og Scott! For en nydelig jente, og s fint navn!

  20. Clare

    Wonderful news, many congratulations!

  21. Lars

    Wonderful news! Congratulations to the both of you! And welcome, Jessica Ann!

  22. Martin GL

    That’s tremendous! Congratulations!

  23. Jesper

    Tillykke til jer alle!

  24. Jen Cypher

    Congratulations! She is beautiful, I wonder if she’ll be a night owl her whole life?!

  25. JoseAngel

    Welcome, baby!

  26. Myriam

    Congratulations! She is lovely!! 🙂

  27. Stephanie

    Congrats! She is so pretty 🙂

  28. torill

    Congratulations. She is a treasure 🙂

  29. Marika

    Oh Jill! Jessica is absolutely wonderful! Congratulations to you and your family! She really is perfect (and that’s a beautiful photo, so serene).

  30. Jon

    Nydelig! Gratulerer til dere alle.

  31. jeremy

    she’s so awesome, you should be very proud. Congratulations to you both.

  32. Toril

    She’s absolutely adorable!! Well done both of you 🙂

  33. Frank


  34. S¯ren Pold

    Tillykke! Hun ser lykkelig fredfyldt ud! Nyd nu Ârene inden hun bliver prÊpubertÊr (det gÂr hurtigere end man aner…).

  35. Cynthia and Jan Rune

    Congratulations! She’s adorable!

  36. Lilia Efimova

    Congratulations! Enjoy this special time.

  37. M-H

    Sorry, I’m a bit late to this party! Congratulations and best wishes to you all. I hope her sleep patterns are now aligning better with yours. I hope you’re finding Ravelry useful for baby knitting patterns.:)

  38. nora s

    Gratulerer med den flotte vesle jenta! Vakre dagar!

  39. Chuck

    Hey, I’m *really* late to the party, but this is indeed wonderful news!

  40. Martin Lessard

    Bienvenue, petite!

  41. Robert

    Welcome Jessica!

  42. Jamie

    Congratulations and welcome!

  43. […] Right after Jessica was born, our anthology of scholarly essays on World of Warcraft was finally published! Here’s a pile of them, don’t they look great? Buy your own copy today! Or borrow one from a library 🙂 […]

  44. […] In between feeding Jessica, cuddling Jessica, changing Jessica’s many nappies, trying to give my eleven-year-old a bit of much-needed big sister attention and (not least) trying to catch up on sleep, I’ve been eagerly following the fate of the World of Warcraft Reader. It’s risen like a rocket on the Amazon bestseller list, from 132,000th most sold book last week to around the 6000th today. Yesterday it even had a brief spell in the 3000s! Awesome. Even our cat, Maestro, approves of the book. Not to read, I’ll admit, but it’s a real comfy cat bed! Filed under:General — Jill @ 10:53 [ ] […]

  45. Jess

    How did I miss this?!?!?! MAZEL TOV!

  46. Kjartan

    S utrolig nydelig! S bildene i flickr str¯mmen din, gratulerer s mye!

  47. Christy Dena

    OMG! I missed this! Congrats to all three of you. 🙂 Welcome to the world Jessica!

  48. Jeremy Yuille

    wow!!!!! excellent news!!! i was looking at yr blog and then saw there was an addition to the family. had to track back to find the birthday 🙂

    congrats Jill – she’s adorable.

    also – saw yr in sf when i’m there soon – we should try have a meal. i’ll show you photos of Luca (13 months)

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