I love French. Perhaps in part because I don’t master it, not a bit, though I love reading and speaking it, creatively more than correctly, I fear. Some French words are wonderful. For instance, while in English, I rather boringly gave a talk at Brown a week ago, in French, it was an intervention. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?

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1 Comment

  1. Mario, tout de go...

    Tout en signant des cartes de NoÎl…
    C’est un dÈbut de semaine bien particulier… L’accalmie de la tempÍte (non pas que les conditions atmosphÈriques se soient amÈliorÈes, mais le fait de travailler de la maison…) permet de vaquer ‡ des occupations qu’on se sent coupable de “faire ‡ l’…

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