At the very least, do a search and REPLACE of your document so it says “book” instead of “dissertation”. That way, people reviewing your proposal (as I am such a proposal right now) will be more likely to think you actually put some effort into rewriting it or at least that you spent as much time thinking of it as a potential book as I will spend reading your proposal.

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2 thoughts on “hint to recent PhDs wishing to publish their dissertation as a book

  1. […] File this one under stupid but simple, wish I would of thought of this . . .except I’m not finished with the dissertation yet so . . . hint to recent PhDs wishing to publish their dissertation as a book: “ […]

  2. Jesper Juul

    I also think it’s a good idea to go over a dissertation (especially the opening chapter) and weed out the comments and references that were really put in to make sure that the committee wouldn’t reject the dissertation. And probably replace those bits with something lively that explains to a reader why the whole thing is so interesting and important.

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