My friend Lars lives far, far North, further North than I’ve ever been, and when he walks across his garden to check on his potatoes the earth crushes beneath his feet, like scorch marks, he writes. I remember frost, but it’s not here yet. We just have rain. For years I assumed Lars would move South again, back to the rain and the wind, but I think he’s happy where he is. “Ting ser annleis ut sett herifr”, he writes, “things look different from here.” One day I’ll visit him, and perhaps I’ll see things differently, too.
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Francois Lachance
And Lars just recently turned 32 too.
Such events in some distibuted communities used to be celebrated online with synchronous reunions online using MOO space.
Makes me wonder about how tools for the presentation of blog entries might accomodate synchronous collective viewing/writing/discussion via MOO sessions through clients such as enCoreXpress. (Permalinks help. There is a show URL function with such a client. It’s the screen realestate and stylesheet question that brings up for me design issues for multi-channel delivery.)
A party could enjoy a selected reading by a model reader of entries from Lars and Jill and other birthday bloggers. A kind of guided tour of the best of… And as well the birthday people can present their happy selections from the blogspheric offerings.
A read-in!
Happy 32 and may 2003-04 be a good year.
Presumably there have already been blogmeets in MOOs?
Francois Lachance
A search has revealed that meet ups tend to be face to face affairs. If there are meet ups on MOOs they haven’t published lots of logs of the encounters.
This makes me wonder if the debates about the relative value of synchronous and asynchronous interaction in online pedagogy were more about a fear of the loss of frequency of exchange rather than the lag between responses.
Aside: it was the appearance in your recent comment roll of a link to a comment to a June 28th entry on the final definition for weblog that led my thoughts towards frequency as a key factor [I activated the link and reread the entry you authored]. The anonymous comment referenced two bodily products with a particular child-like nomenclature (and that was the sum total of the comment). On another occasion on another blog a cryptic string of characters was the comment that triggered the appearance of a link in a recent comments roll and which led me to an interesting entry. In both cases the link would have been missed if my visits were timed later.
Always puzzled as to how noise serves signal.