I’m writing responses to various students and their projects. I should have been writing another essay, too, but haven’t yet. There are still a few more hours of workday today.

Yesterday Maestro curled up to sleep in the nook of my knees as I lay down reading, but when I (foolish human) got up to get something he stalked away to sleep on the doona instead. It doesn’t rudely move. It’s reliable.

Today I’ll use his calm to keep me focused. Write. His head rests on my exaggeratedly pink bag. His tummy steadily rises and falls.

Originally uploaded by Jill.

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5 thoughts on “focus

  1. Anthony

    a wonderful kitty picture!

  2. William Wend

    awww too cute!

  3. Toril

    Det er den flotteste katten jeg noen gang har sett!! Den ser ut som en gaupe, og har tydeligvis forst?•tt meningen med livet…

  4. Jill

    And having become acquainted with Maestro, I now understand completely why so many blogs are full of cat pictures… He is adorable, isn’t he?

  5. fivecats

    One of the five cats was in a similar mood last night.

    (Great picture, btw. Cats and computers, always a winning combination)

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