Annelogue wrote recently about watching FLYING: Confessions of a Free Woman, a six hour movie by Jennifer Fox that explores how women live, think and feel today across the globe. Intrigued by Annalogue’s post I followed the link to the director’s blog, and was immediately hooked. In eloquently written posts, she wonders about why men and women communicate differently (she wants to talk, he doesn’t so much), weaving different possibilities into her narrative in such a thought-provoking way. She writes about a recurring argument with her boyfriend – now that sounds awful, doesn’t it, but it’s not, she manages to write about it with distance and love and intensity, which sounds impossible but I certainly recognise not only much of what she’s describing, this is the sort of thing my girlfriends and I talk about often.

I might have to see her movie too. I was rather happy to find that it’s available for international sale in just a few weeks, whereas the US and Canada have to wait another half year. Just the opposite of the usual 🙂

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1 Comment

  1. Annelogue

    Ahhh sweet…you discovered Jennifer Fox! I’m very impressed with her work, as well and yes, I recommend the movie. I think the main reason for the reversed sale order must be that the film is a Danish-American co-production and funded by Danish Film Institute and some other Danish government arts grant. I hope you like it as much as I did.

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