I’ve found the flow of writing! Not perfectly, but I know what I’m doing and where I’m going, and today when I switched from the chapter on the prehistory of blogs to sketching my article for the WoW anthology I was actually able to do so.

Now I’m at a seminar at Voss discussing and evaluating the courses and programs offered by the Humanities faculty and I snuck off into a corner to write. Yay, I love being happy writing!

Tomorrow we’re off to Amsterdam and then Vienna and Blogtalk.

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4 thoughts on “flow of writing

  1. Donovon

    I’m jealous, those times come so few to me lately (see absently posted blog : )

  2. Stephanie

    Me too! I want more time to write. It seems like lately all I have time for are the things I ‘have-to-do-right-now’. Your chapter sounds interesting, though! I want to read it! 🙂

  3. How would you do this without a computer?…

    I found this web site earlier this week. (Thanks to Jill Walker) The site has recordings of over……

  4. Robert

    I must be lucky…. I have no problem with the flow… just problems in
    spreading the word !

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