I found an old notebook when I was tidying my desk today.

Notebook from 1997

Its from 1997 and 1998, when I was working on my MA in comparative literature and writing about creative, non-fiction hypertext.

I read all the 1990s hypertext theory and took careful notes.


Thinking about what David Kolb wrote about scholarly hypertext and whether you can actually do philosophy in a non-linear format.


I worried about reading too much and not writing enough.


And noted that while Walter Ong was interesting, he didn’t mention the internet.


Then I got to go to my first conference! ACM Hypertext 1998 – it was amazing. My MA advisor, Espen Aarseth, paid for my flight and hotel out of a grant he had and gave me two tasks: hand out flyers for a conference he was organising, and go and introduce myself to Stuart Moulthrop and tell him hi from Espen.

I have very thorough notes from the conference. Very thorough.


I even took thorough notes from discussions in the panel on hypertext and time. I love that Markku Eskelinen asked “Where is Genette?” Of course he did.


I was so touched to see these traces of my younger self. So earnest. So diligent.


So honest.


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1 Comment

  1. Clare Hooper

    Absolutely love this post. Thank you for sharing!

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